The Digital Frontier
Our official blog with news, technology advice, and business culture.

AI technology for a better tomorrow
Getting started with AI? Perhaps you’ve already got your feet wet in the world of Machine Learning, but still looking to expand your knowledge and

AI technology for a better tomorrow
Getting started with AI? Perhaps you’ve already got your feet wet in the world of Machine Learning, but still looking to expand your knowledge and

6 AI solutions every commercial bank needs
DataRobot’s automated machine learning platform helps banks leverage their substantial investments in data to meet today’s challenges. By learning from their own data, banks can

Delivering next best action with Artificial Intelligence
In marketing analytics, a marketing and sales funnel is the set of steps a visitor goes through before making a purchase. More and more, this

How Artificial Intelligence is changing the industry
Artificial intelligence in retail is being applied in new ways across the entire product and service cycle—from assembly to post-sale customer service interactions, but retail

Why today’s retail banks need AI to win
Competition in retail banking may be more intense than ever as FinTechs and new market entrants fight with established players for deposits and market share.

AI Simplified: Machine Learning problem types
With so many questions to answer, what are some of the most common machine learning problem types that come up while building out AI systems?

AI simplified: What computers are good at
Getting started with AI? Perhaps you’ve already got your feet wet in the world of Machine Learning, but still looking to expand your knowledge and

Deep Learning Chatbot – analysis and implementation
If you have a business with a heavy customer service demand, and you want to make your process more efficient, it’s time to think about

How companies are making money by recommend system
Simply put, a recommender system is an AI algorithm (usually Machine Learning) that utilizes Big Data to suggest additional products to consumers based on a

Machine Learning Terms every manager should know
Getting started with AI? Perhaps you’ve already got your feet wet in the world of Machine Learning, but still looking to expand your knowledge and